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Affordable Traffic Ticket Insurance

Diana Rangaves


Was the last traffic ticket you received a complete surprise? While some people might take risks on the road, most drivers certainly don't intend to violate traffic laws. When you think about the hefty fines, or the hassle of...

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EV Insurance Facts & Stats

Diana Rangaves


As the number of electric vehicles increases, so will the availability of in-vehicle services and goods, including insurance. The changing landscape presents challenges and opportunities for the auto insurance...

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Fines, Suspensions & Schools in CA

Jerry Munroe


Navigating the busy streets of the Golden State can be an exhilarating experience. Still, it comes with its fair share of challenges. From the lure of the open freeways to the maze of the metropolitan streets, even the...

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Most Common Misdemeanors in California

Jerry Munroe


Driving in the Golden State is like a high-stakes game of Mario Kart, except without colorful characters, magical power-ups, or exhilarating rainbow tracks. It's a real-life adventure where the rules of the road are...

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Common Traffic Tickets and Penalties

Peter Njunge


If you are a driver, there’s a high chance you will receive a traffic ticket at some point, if you haven’t already – regardless of how careful you are on the road. And, while most traffic violations are considered...

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Ticketed vs Clean Drivers

Mary Wanjohi


So you went too fast and broke the law. It happens! But after you get that traffic ticket, you may be wondering if your insurance premiums are going to rise. Here is an insurance cost comparison between ticketed & clean drivers...

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How To Avoid Receiving a Traffic Ticket

We’ve all been there. For some reason or another you’ve been pulled over or cited in some way and handed a piece of paper that makes your blood boil. Well not anymore, below are a few tips to keep your blood pressure low and...

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Inside The Mind Of A Police Officer

Lisa Bintrim


police officer's job is a rewarding experience but can be mentally taxing, given that every assignment features a possibility of witnessing disturbing events. Combined with organizational stressors, these factors can...

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Laser Jammer Device Laws in California

Michael Rogers


Before laser jammers became popular, drivers used radar detectors together with radar jammers to avoid falling into a speed trap. The radar detectors detect the signal from a radar gun while the radar jammer prevents the gun from...

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Importance of Attorney Representation

Newton Matthews


Navigating the maze of traffic laws and regulations can be daunting for most drivers, particularly when faced with a traffic ticket that could affect their driving record, incur hefty fines, or even result in losing...

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Average Cost Of Car Insurance In Texas

Gacee Ezekiel


If you are considering buying a car insurance policy in Texas, there are several variables that determine how much premium you’ll pay. Texas has an average car insurance cost of $2,019. However, you’re likely to...

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California's Trial by Declaration

Willy Mwanza


As the number of electric vehicles increases, so will the availability of in-vehicle services and goods, including insurance. The changing landscape presents challenges and opportunities for the auto insurance...

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The REAL Cost of LA Traffic Violations

Thomas Sechehaye


Are you fed up with LA driving? Are you frustrated, and worried about getting a ticket? Ticket costs have skyrocketed! Sure you can fight, but do you have the time to devote to get the justice you deserve? Moreover, hiring...

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Speeding over 100mph

Ephy IM


Speeding is quite tempting when you have a powerful car or you are late for an appointment. While it seems harmless, and a necessary evil under certain circumstances, speeding over 100mph can have dire consequences as...

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Attorney costs in Florida

James Bryan


For drivers in Florida, a traffic ticket is more than a slip of paper—it's the beginning of a financial burden that can weigh heavily on one's budget and peace of mind. As Floridians know all too well, the cost of...

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California's Red Light Camera Tickets

Jamie Johnson


Welcome to the crossroads of California's traffic enforcement landscape. In the Golden State, where the sun meets the Pacific and the highways stretch like ribbons, a modern-day traffic cop silently patrols our...

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Racial Profiling in Traffic Stops

Rebecca W.


The topic of racial profiling in traffic stops is quite alarming and has generated a lot of research, discussion, and requests for reform. In this practice, people are usually singled out by law enforcement for...

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LA's I-10 Inferno Nightmare

Jerry Munroe


The City of Angels, on Saturday 11th of November, witnessed an integral artery of its traffic system being set ablaze. A massive fire consumed a portion of the Interstate 10 freeway in downtown Los Angeles, causing...

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